GESPAD - Grupo de Estudos: Serviços Públicos e Administração Pública Digital

Coordinator: Vivian Lima López Valle

The Study Group - Public Services and Digital Public Administration - GESPAD, linked to NUPED-PUCPR, aims to promote targeted readings, debates and scientific investigations not only from a theoretical-critical point of view, but also concerning practical cases and innovations in Administrative Law in the face of new technologies. The Group's meetings have been held virtually, since 2020, every semester, in online format. Participation in the Group is disclosed through a notice, informing the academic community about the opening of vacancies. Undergraduate students (from any period), Master's and Doctorate students are invited to participate. The group's objective is to produce scientific articles and participate in academic events, with the presentation of scientific communications on the proposed topics. Fortnightly meetings will be held to study and deepen the themes, under the supervision of Professor Vivian Lima López Valle. In these meetings, activities will be guided by reading texts, seminars and debates. For the second half of 2021, GESPAD will carry out the following activities:



Disclosure of selection results and activities to be developed


Administrative meeting for assignment of activities to students and explanation of the GESPAD organization


Session topic: Rights of digital public services users


Session topic: Compliance and Personal Data Protection in Digital Public Administration


Session topic: Artificial decision making and Public Administration control


Session topic: Digital Government, Law n. 14129/21 and digital platforms


Session topic: Drones, sensors and social control by the Public Administration: the new big brother - Technology regulation


Session topic: New contours of State civil liability in the Digital Public Administration environment
